Message from the CEO

'I am pleased with our performance in 2024, which reflects the success of our growth strategy and our core strengths.'
Ruud Joosten, CEO Royal BAM Group nv
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Incident frequency total
Average number
of employees
(in FTE)
Female representation
in senior leadership group
Social value delivered
in United Kingdom and Ireland


Scope 1 and 2
CO2 emissions intensity
(in tonnes per € million revenue)
Scope 3 CO2 emissions (in kilotonnes)
CDP Climate score
Construction and
office waste intensity
(in tonnes per € million revenue)


Revenue (x € million)
Adjusted EBITDA
Dividend per share (in € per share)
The Netherlands

Sustainable redevelopment of the former Berghaus Plaza office building in Amsterdam for real estate developer Boelens de Gruyter, including two residential towers (288 new homes) and office tower (21,600 m2).

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United Kingdom

Dunfermline Learning Campus brought two high schools and Fife College together on one site, accommodating up to 2,700 students, sharing state-of-the-art facilities. The new high school is built to Passivhaus standards.

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The Netherlands

Sassevaart joint venture (including BAM Infra Nederland) delivered Nieuwe Sluis (new lock) in Terneuzen for client VNSC (Vlaams-Nederlandse Scheldecommissie).

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United Kingdom

As a key part of the Essex and South Suffolk shoreline management plan, the Cockett Wick seawall provides long-term flood resilience, supporting aspirations for further growth and regeneration of seaside towns.

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The Netherlands

Crossover offers a mix of offices, housing, social functions and a restaurant. With its sustainable character and multifunctional concept, Crossover contributes to a pleasant working and living environment on the Zuidas, in close connection with the historic neighbourhoods of Amsterdam Oud-Zuid and the city centre.

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The Netherlands

With advanced digital techniques and modular components, Flow makes sustainable, fast, and affordable customisation possible on any plot, with any desired appearance.

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Runnenburg 9
3981 AZ Bunnik

Postbus 20
3980 CA Bunnik

+31 (0)30 659 89 88
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